Our Story

A more equal World is possible

Seven years ago Hayri Dağlı, along with a few other dedicated friends, set off with a dream in mind. We believed that we could achieve in building a better world. Therefore, the first step to accomplishing a dream is to make it become a reality by taking action. Having the project originate in Africa, then establishing a headquarter in Turkey, we began working day and night to kick start our aspirations. With our goal in mind of providing a sustainable watering system, steady food sources, reliable energy, and educational opportunities, our dedication manifested into what we refer to as our “Smart Villages” projects. As our thoughts began to be put into action we were able to expand globally to the areas that needed help the most. Between impoverished communities in Africa and Asia, since March 2021, around 200,000 indeginiuos have had their lives substantially improved in correlation to our implemented Smart Villages.

During the expansion of our project, there has been no shortage of support and contribution from the public, resulting in us never feeling alone in relieving the plight of others living in poverty. As the global divide of inequality has deepened, impoverished nations have suffered considerably as a result of epidemics, the growing climate change, and lack of nourishment. Indiegnioius children grow up with weakened immune systems from an insubstantial amount of proper nutritional intake. A direct result of the natural resources being difficult to cultivate from the local lands of those areas. However, we can make a change to improve the quality of life. We can take action to provide potential growth and open new opportunities by bringing awareness to these hardships. For those of us who can contribute to the betterment of the less fortunate, we have the ability to make an unforgettable change in our lifetime to those who are in considerable circumstances.

Working together with our supporters and volunteers, there are still hundreds upon thousands of lives we can reach in the forgotten or overlooked lands of the world. Together we can embark on this immense and memorable journey to transform the world we reside in into a better future. 

To keep updated on our journey, be sure to follow IDEA Universal on our official websites, Instagram and Facebook pages.

Until the day that poverty can be completely diminished, the continuation of pursuing sustainability through following the principles of transparency, participation, and accountability, can progress be made in every community in need regardless of religious orientation, language spoken, race, or gender identity.

Currently, accomplishments earned with our creation of the “Smart Villages” models received the innovation award in 2016 from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The project consists of sourcing water from underground water caverns through pipe systems then having the water set up easily and accessible within close proximity of the houses. Available through a tap, the indigineous people can source their now hygienic drinkable water, whereas before the Smart Village projects, women and children had to walk an average of 6 kilometers each day to reach unsanitary water. Starting first and foremost with a sanitary source of water, then can come the start of local agriculture and the use of solar energy for the natives to have access to. Growth starts all with water. Only then can the living conditions have room to flourish after solidifying a healthy water source.

We have successfully created a new alternative for these inhabitants in providing permanent and sustainable water, food, energy and educational opportunities towards 200,000 people. Without the help of our volunteers and vast supporters, this progress would not have been made possible.










IDEA Universal (International Development and Environment Association) was founded in 2017 by a compact enthusiastic group of volunteers who dreamed of a better, just, and equitable Earth. Overall, working towards peace under the founder Hayri Dağlı.

IDEA Universal association, which seeks and assists overlooked and forgotten communities in distant locations, have taken root in alleviating these communities’ struggles in dealing with hunger and poverty. All of the while, utilizing this organization’s core principles of upholding transparency, having active participation, holding accountability, and establishing independence as their main points of interest.

Accordingly, to solve the world’s water, food, energy, and educational limitations, IDEA Universal has created and carried out innovative and scientific projects to generate sustainability. Locations are then chosen based upon need-orientation, severity of situation, and apparent lack of necessity in destitute geographies. Then can the local people participate in the transformation of their community by working towards a permanent and sustainable solution in order for them to thrive in their environment. The goal is to create a self-sufficient economy that can last well after the IDEA Universal association parts ways from their initial creation of their “Smart Villages” projects. Which then can lead to ever increasing and prosperous livelihood in these communities in need.

The IDEA Universal organization works in collaboration with numerous notable international and national non-profit organizations, as well as some local government agencies located in Turkey. With the creation of IDEA Universal, as of 2021, it has provided sustainable hygienic drinking water along with viable agricultural systems, reliable energy sources, and greater access to education. As well as teaching techniques such as soap making to fabricate new sources of income in these struggling communities. All of these new found opportunities have occured over the reaches of Gambia, Madagascar, Nepal, Senegal, Tanzania, and Turkey.