Alternative Education

Adsız tasarım (19)

Maimuana, who carried water from the river in his village with a pumpkin bowl he put on his head; now he goes to school. Because his life transformed with the water coming to his village. He dreams of becoming a teacher these days.

Qualified education is one of the most basic human rights. In Africa, only 50% of children can go to school. Among those who can go, many children cannot learn to read and write due to the lack of teachers. The smart tablet project we developed teaches children to read and write in a short time with interactive methods and games. 1000 of our children benefit from this project.


Smart Learning

Idealab Project

Sustainable Farming Training

Hygen&Sanitation Trainings


For more check out “Smart Villages” Project.



+500.000 PEOPLE

+2.000 PROJECT

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